Thursday, December 23, 2010

Second Grade Christmas Fun!

Mrs. Kortz's second grade class trying to instill some Christmas spirit in Scrooge!

Monday, December 6, 2010

4th Grade Visits Lambeau Field

On November 29 our 4th grade classes visited Lambeau Field. As you can see from the pictures they were able to walk through "the tunnel" and get a close up look at the field.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

First Grade Stone Soup

After reading the story Stone Soup and finsihing a unit of study on the food pyramid, the first grade students made their own batch of stone soup for a Thanksgiving celebration. They each brought a small amount of an ingredient to be used in the soup, cleaned and prepared the vegetables, and followed a recipe. The result was a tastey and great smelling soup. They all understood that working together makes the task easier and more fun!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

St. Nick Gifts

These two students are very busy putting the finishing touches on their St. Nick gift for the residents at the American Grand in Kaukauna. The students want to give St. Nick a little hand so that the people know that they are card about. All the students were very excited to complete the project!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving Food Collection

Thanksgiving is all about being grateful and sharing with others. St. Aloysius Campus students and staff during their Liturgy before Thanksgiving break took up a collection of non perishable food items and personal care products to donate to the Kaukauna Food Pantry in thanksgiving of all that they have been blessed with. St. Francis of Assisi said "For it is in giving that we receive".

Monday, November 22, 2010

We are Thankful

These are just some of the students that have written things they are thankful for and added to our bulletin board in the lobby at Holy Cross Campus.

Grade 2 Junior Achievement

Grade 2 participates in a program called Junior Achievement. People from the community come in and teach the students through activities how a community works. How each community operates with businesses, government, and consumers and is dependent on each other to prosper and become a thriving place to live and work.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Veteran's Day Ceremony

The students and staff of KCSS gathered on Veteran's Day to honor Veteran's and their service to our country. We were blessed to have several Veterans in attendance on this special day. In addition to honoring our guests, we rededicated the WWII plaque that was restored by the KCSS Athletic Association (on the wall in the background on the picture). Thank you to the Athletic Association and to all of our Veterans!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Third Grade Loves to Read

The third grade students have been doing a great deal of reading lately. They have really enjoyed all the different stories they have read. The last book they read was about the Titanic and learning about the supposedly "unsinkable" ship. As a fun activity the students thought about the Green Bay Packers and all the injuries they have had. So, they thought it would be fun to design new book jackets for books some of the players might enjoy reading!

The Building for Kids

Grades K-1-2 visiting the Building for Kids in Appleton to explore their world on their level. They were able to see how it would be to fly an airplane, operate a crane, care for children as a doctor, nurse or in a childcare setting. Students were able to observe how and why it is important for the human body to have some gross functions. The students found this very interesting!

Fun in Physical Education

The second grade had lots of fun in Physical Education class. Their teacher gave them the opportunity to move around and use their throwing, putting, tossing, catching, aiming, and balancing skills with Halloween activities. To put them in the Halloween mood some of the activities included tossing a rubber rat in a basket, putting a plastic eyeball, and bowling with ghost pins. Halloween themed music was played for the students' enjoyment. Teacher children that movement is both beneficial for their health and fun at the same time.

Holy Cross Middle School Halloween Dance

Monday, November 1, 2010

All Saint's Day

Mrs. Kortz's second graders represented just a few saints of the Catholic Church during the Liturgy on All Saint's Day at St. Aloysius Campus. Some of the saints pictured, along with Fr. Jerry, are St. Francis Cabrini, Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Katharine Drexel, St. Joseph, St. Damien, and St. Christopher. Each student read a little biography of their saint during Liturgy. The message given was that we are all called to holiness by accepting God's will with joy and following the example of those who have been canonized as saints. The entire school sang "When the Saints Come Marching In" as the closing song. Student participated by singing and marching along.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Surprise for the Post Office

Students are making a special delivery to the Kaukauna Post Office. They are being a good neighbor and taking a special surprise that the students at Holy Cross and St. Aloysius made. They made Valentine's Day Wreaths that can be hung up in honor of all the Veterans that served our country.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Red Ribbon Week at KCSS

All of these students are wearing a CAP today at school to let others know they are pledging to use drugs only for the purposes they were intended. They are doing this an activity for RED RIBBON WEEK (October 25-31) for Drug and Alcohol Awareness Week. The students could be as creative as they wish in coming up with a hat to wear to school for this event.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sole Connection

On Friday, October 1 the students of KCSS particpated in the Sole Connection Walk-a-Thon. We had a beautiful day to get out and walk with friends!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

International Peace Day

Today is International Peace Day. The students of Holy Cross and St. Aloysius Campus marked the day by participating in Pinwheels for Peace. Students created their own pinwheels with their messages of hope and peace for the world. We gathered this morning at each campus to lift up our prayers!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Kaukauna Library Reading Program

Rose Selle – came to Holy Cross Campus on Wednesday (May 19th) to share with the third and fourth grade students about the Kaukauna Library Reading program. She also shared a really fun bird story and dressed up a bird to go along with the story. The students are now very anxious to take part in the Kaukauna Library Program

Little Theatre

Mrs. Kortz’s Little Theater is a Language Arts program that the second grade puts on each spring at St. Aloysius Campus of the Kaukauna Catholic School System. This year it involved puppetry, a play called "Choosing the Easter Rabbit", songs like "It's a Beautiful Day" and "Walking With Jesus". Each student wrote and shared a short introduction about them self. The students share their creative God-given talents with family and friends.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Science Fair

Third graders are sharing their "Secret Message" science project with fourth graders. The third grade put on a "mini Science Fair" for all the of fourth grade. The students got into groups and selected several different experiments to write up for their display boards. During the fair they demonstrated the experiments for the students. Each write up included Problem, Hypothesis, Materials, Steps, and Conclusion.

Mother's Day Tea

First graders of St. Aloysius Campus treated their Moms to a Mother's Day Tea on May 7. They performed four skits: Mr. Maybe, Six Wise Travelers, Supper with the Queen, and The Rabbits and the Wolf.

They also did a poem/pantomime called "Dedicated to All Mothers" and a special Mom version of the ABC song, a tribute to the Blessed Mother Mary, and the closing song "A Blessing for Mothers" was sung with actions. Gifts were presented to the Moms with a poem about flowers (typed by the students) and a sewn flower pin. Of course, the favorite part of the program for the children was serving punch and cookies.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Wise with $$$$$

Both of these pictures show Mrs. Grootemont, Administrative Assistant, at East Wisconsin Savings Bank in Kaukauna reading a fun story to both third grade classes at Holy Cross School. The story was all about wanting things but realizing a person just might have to wait and save to purchase those extra fun things. The students also received a certificate and a little Piggy Bank as a way of reminding them about the lessons they learned today about being wise with their money to make sure they will have enough to do all they want to do in the future.

Earth Day 2010 at St. Aloysius Campus

Preschool saw a butterfly come out of its cocoon on Earth Day. They are feeding it sugar water and oranges. When it is big enough they will release it outside.

Pre K used their Weekly Reader to find ways how to help the Earth not just on Earth Day but everyday!

Kindergarteners read a book “The Great Kapok Tree” on Earth Day 2010. They cut out leaves and wrote on them how they could help our planet earth. The leaves were hung on their very own Kapok tree outside their classroom.

First graders cleaned up the playground and sport court area on Earth Day. They see that people don’t always use the trash container when they have garbage. Their message to everyone everyday is, “Don’t litter the Earth it is our home that God has created for us”!

Second graders decided to create Spring Art Characters out of recyclable items for their Earth Day project. They also are sending a thank you letter to the Thousand Island Environmental Center for helping us to enjoy our beautiful nature in our community.

Friday, April 23, 2010

V.F.W. Post 3319

Mr. Willie Rowe (pictured) and other members of V.F.W. Post 3319 of Kaukauna visited students at St. Aloysius Campus of the Kaukauna Catholic to thank them for the beautiful cards the students sent them thanking the veterans for the campuses new American flag. Each veteran shared their story and saluted the children. Mrs. Helen Kortz led the school with a prayer for veterans and Fr. Jerry Pastors gave them a special blessing. The pledge of Allegiance was recited and everyone sang God Bless America with motions. The children then saluted the veterans. Afterwards students and staff shared handshakes and hugs with the veterans thanking them for their sacrifices for our country. A beautiful and touching ceremony was experienced by all.

Friday, April 16, 2010

V is for Vacation

In celebration of the letter V, Mrs. Ortner's Pre-kindergarten decided to take a vacation to the beach. In preparation the class brainstormed what they would need to pack in a suitcase for their adventure. The children really have active imaginations but they all remembered to bring their toothbrushes. The days activities included fishing for ocean fish using their counting skills, reading books on the makeshift ocean shore equipped with beach towels to protect them from the "carpet sand." They also had a volleyball game with a balloon and finished the day singing "The Coconut Song" under the direction of Mrs. W. By the time the vacation day ended all of the children were happy from their adventure and no one was sunburned as they also remembered the sunscreen. Where will the Pre-K go next year? Stay tuned to find out.

Volunteer Appreciation

On Thursday, April 15 we showed our appreciation to our volunteers in a special way. During our All System Liturgy, volunteers received a flower and special blessing. After Liturgy our special guests were treated to a reception with entertainment provided by some of our wonderful students!